To exist as forex trader not easy as like turning our hand side,based on the result of observation and experience of mine untill now around 100% trader both that already the experience and the amateur were only 10% that remained in this business and 90% of them
all went out,Why this could happen? The reasons were :
1.Less of knowledge,didnt understand and regarded could significant investment could be
fast rich (only saw the other person was successful) .In fact forex was the same as necessary education time and the hard work as well as the experience to know or understand it well.It also was needed capital for his training.
2.The despair of trading
Often experienced loss than the profit and regarded was in vain all with what in studied especially technical indicator.According to my experience in the use of technical indicator must be careful to avoid false signal that possibly happened because the trend was began from smallest timeframe to biggest timeframe so it was not depend on one timeframe only.Usually professional trader divided trend become 3 parts of timeframe,all of them are :
a.Main trend (timeframe weekly or moonly)
b.Medium trend (timeframe daily or 4 hour)
c.Small trend (timeframe 1 hour or 30 mnt ,sometime was smaller than 30 mnt)
The rule of trend above not standard at all ,sometime daily timeframe also could be the standard played trend whereas the medium trend according to me only to see how the power of trend could be strengthen and small trend was first supported all time frame.
In previous trading i was also not free from the mistake and have lost much money at that time , possibly was wrong in the election of played trend(main trend), for example saw chart below;
The truth main trend
But why, my choice were these below chart :
Weekly chart that was forgetable by me,i am so impulsif and rush in decision .okay just forget it even i am also lost much money.
3.Bad money management risk
Not discipline in the use of the problematic margin also danger in this business ,sometime it would happened because of the greedy characteristics from a trader that finally had been even unfortunate (loss money) .it would be better if we used the margin 10 or 20 percent of capital and tried to get the focus to one or two pair currency position.
4.Not yet in founding the good trading system.
A trader that succeeded in forex must have the certain system in their trading .According to my experience i have 3 category of them,they are :
I.Trader that analysed main trend we mentioned it swing trader where the pattern of the analysis often used Elliot's pattern wave and fibonnaci as the target loss or profit.The margin was used in small quantity but the profit target and loss was bigger .The weakness of this systems trading was not be able to use the momentum of the correction from some trend.
II.intraday trader ,a trader that analysed was based on the medium trend and small trend as the implement to execution open pair,usually they often used various things of technical indicator both custom and expert also robotrading.Here the margin quantity was big in use but target of profit or loss was small,almost every time in front of the computer if he was online trading.
Trader must be beautiful to see how much the power reversal signal strengthen that would happened or was the reverse signal that was seen from indicator technical only false signal or not .And they must know to take the profit because reversal signal or the correction trend.
III.scalping trader ,a trader that analysed or waited open position at the time of news fundamental was not release . Profit target was small and use big margin without stopping loss because they using the 90% margin available.
Saturday, 23 August 2008
How to exist in Forex trading ? see more truth explanation on forex trading
Monday, 18 August 2008
Signal for CHF/USD
After saw the chart all time frame are recommended to buy it for intraday or take long term target its were not a problem at all,for intraday trading the price has touch pivot level area 1.0969 and now presently the price between pivot and resistance level and fibonacci also create 123 wave elliot .Congratulation all of you guy caused this time are your fortune to get more pips on intraday is perfect time due to long term target was support it.
source :
How to open metatrader demo account ?
Saturday, 16 August 2008
Forex trading system
IF you have mastered technical or fundamental analysis, so now you must build some forex trading system through your experience of trading. If you still could not build the good forex trading system then meant you must repeat lessons beforehand. It was not possible for you to take a step more far if you could not build the good forex trading.
Basically all the available matters in and around us always were connected with a system that affected all the available objects in and around us for example our body personally that had the digestion system, breathing et cetera or the other object of air for example or the object anything tried to be paid attention to by you well all of them had the system that terstruktur well..
Therefore the trading system was a collection methods trading both technical or fundamental that could guide us did trading in various conditions market and of course produced the profit.
In making one trading system its steps must be carried out was as follows:
Money Management
- Profit management.Determine the profit target that wanted to be reached by you. In reaching this profit target determined whether you will carry out the transaction began lot smallest and increased for example the first transaction 0.1 lot, the two 0,2 lot et cetera or the use lot certain that was appointed by you stagnantly in each one of your transactions to receive the profit.
- Risk management.Determine the level stopped Loss (SL) that will be used by you or that could be borne by you in each transaction that was carried out by you. Remember always the pair stopped loss when you carried out the transaction. Although the risk will always be then there the role stopped loss to reduce the risk that must be borne by us. If your transaction touched the level stopped loss had several steps that could dlakukan as follows:
a.Switching (returned the direction): If you received signal for example buy and evidently the descending price touched the level stopped loss you then you could be opened sell. If you took this step then observation before the movement of the price that happened along with indicators that you with to see whether still enabled to do switching or opened again the position buy earlier because moment the decline in the price that happened was finished and the rising price came back.
b.Averaging (in general): If you for example to be opened buy and evidently the price went down after stopping loss affected then you will at once open the position buy again with lot that was bigger than the first transaction that meant you opened the position buy that was new in the level of the lower price and with lot that was bigger. Your example did buy of 0.1 lot in the level of the price 1000, SL 950, TP 1010 and the price went down as far as 950 then you will experience the loss of 0.1 x (1000-950) = US$ 5 furthermore you at once were again opened buy of 0.6 lot in the level of the price 950, SL 900, TP 960 for example in this second transaction the price increase as far as 960 happened then you will receive the profit of 0.6 x (960-950) = US$ 6. Therefore your profit was of US$6 – US$ 5 =US$1 that meant the loss in the beginning transaction was covered and the profit as big as US$ 1. used the technique averaging this you continued to have to analyse the available situation good the indicator that was used by you or news that emerged at that time because not necessarily if buy you were affected by the level stopped loss him you will do buy still was caused moment to buy was finished so as could you sell with lot that was bigger to cover the loss as a result of the beginning transaction at the same time received the profit. To do averaging you could prepare him automatically by using facilities pending order.
c.Hedging: in this step you opened 2 good positions buy or sell. Hedging is usually used to keep the loss that happened or was often mentioned locking (locked) for example you opened the position buy but the price went down then you were opened sell then the loss buy you will be kept by the profit that was received from the transaction sell you or also could be used to maintain the profit that was received for example you analysed that trend descended will take place long then you put on sell but at several following hours had the indication of the price will experience the rise then and you too put on buy. After having the indication of the price increase that happened began to descend again then you must melikuid the transaction buy you were temporary the transaction sell you stayed proceeding. Like that henceforth until you analysed the transaction sell long-term you must liquid.
Determine technical or fundamental indicators that will be used by you in taking the decision. In this case technical indicators if it being paid attention to by you often late in gave its signal because that carried out the blend from several technical indicators that was liked by you that aimed at reducing the delay or the sensitivity of an indicator for example you could use parabolic SAR and RSI or other could two or several indicator sorts all of them depended with your observation.
So also with the Fundamental analysis better news that were paid attention to by you were big news to facilitate you in analysed.
Determined time frame that was bigger that was used by you as the foundation of the analysis and time frame that was smaller to mengesekusi your decision. For example you analysed and received signal sell in time frame (TF) H4 then paid also attention to TF H1 whether gave signal that was same? If being received signal that was same then to TF that was smaller so you better begin to carry out the transaction. Like the example along with this:

From the table above for example you used the indicator parabolic SAR and Stochastic oscilator could be paid attention to by you to TF H4 on December 21 2007 at 04.00 SAR was supervised candle and stochastic headed to the side of oversold the same thing also happened on December 21 2007 at 04.00 in TF H1 then you could do buy.

source: somewhere forgetable website
Relative Currency Calculator
A nice forex software tools which function is to know what
currencies are appreciated or depreciated function,for example : GBP last month appreciated function was -1.19% and AUD appreciated function was 1.79%.It means that next month possibly have great chance to gain profit by selling on GBP/AUD pair (resembled the indicator real time ix metre)
Friday, 15 August 2008
10 kinds of news that must be recognized by us
It just reminded at all ,even if possibly we have been known it before.
There are so many great fundamental news in forex but at least its has 10 kinds of great large affect to forex.
There are :
1. Nonfarm Payrol USA - average affect 100 - 200 pips
2. Trade Balance USA - average affect 70-120 pips
3. Interest Rate statements - average affect 100 pips
4. Producer Price Index - average affect 50 -60 pips
5. Durable Good - average affect 50 - 100 pips
6. Unemployment Rate - average affect 30-50 pips
7. Trichet, Bernanke, & Fukui Speaks - average affect 30 - 100 pips
8. Consumer Price index - average affect 50 -60 pips
9. PPI excl. Food and Energy -average affect 50 -60 pips
10. CPI excl, Food and Energy - average affect 50 - 60 pips
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Expectation on second target profit ?could it be comes true ?
Please prepair your self for having hope on second profit target at cable pair (overdrive trader system on MACD 96,576,9 timeframe 15 minutes has been supported ) and first target on usd/chf ,just only simple fibonnacci system that i had written it on August 5, 2008 ago.
Saturday, 9 August 2008
Actually i was intraday trading type but lately the pattern of intraday technical indicator
(TF 15m,1H,daily) often was wrong from the prediction,if we considered it from the aspect of economic law where the demand and supply were balanced then caused and effect
necessarily the pattern of the technical indicator also must be the same his movement with the economic law .Maybe it was change because of the conduct of speculators or
possibly the discovery of the source of new nature resources as being seen by us that the decline in so significant world crude oil.Okay for this reason, this week i will take you all to gain more pips on chf/usd pair.See the picture above where the divergenge was occured and the piercing candle has comfirm too.
weekly chart and fibonacci target hopefully would happened this week !
ADX +D maybe would show his target to hit 50% high line.
The success story of a Forex player with the income hundreds of millions as far as billions each month.
There was the difference between the view of the experts and Theo F. Thoemion in connection with the economic crisis that worsened since the last quarter last year. The first side more saw the crisis was based in the weakness of the banking system, budget baldness, bad him the supervision, the monopoly, collusion, corruption, nepotism, and high cost economics. Whereas Theo more saw the conduct of speculators in the money market as because most dominant. Sides of the cause of the rottenness of the foundation of economics of the negative so that caused the crisis not immediately could be overcome. If Korea, Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore, and Malaysia could recover in the calculation of the month, our country was far more older. As the perpetrators of the foreign currency market, Theo knew true, signs of the disaster had emerged since long before. All of them were the game fund the Manager or the player of the foreign currency market, who was coloured by the wish to test the strength of the monetary authority of a country. He knew how the foreign currency wholesaler - that often was acknowledged as speculators - a kind of George Soros played the role in Yendaka, bounced him the exchange rate Yen against the USA $, in 1994. He also......bla bla find more on
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
1% failure among 100% analysis prediction ,GOD is A Trend never forget it
Sorry guy ,yesterday was failure prediction but according to technical indicator signal all timer were tend to buy section even a trap line was crossing to bearish trend.It was my fault ,never want to learn a past experience that the expert trader always said God in trading was A TREND (bull or bear). sometime simple strategy always usefull than the complicated strategy.Ok lets see it
Weekly chart that was forgetable by me,i am so impulsif yesterday and rush in decision .okay just forget it even i am also lost much money this time maybe it was 1% failure analysis among
100% profitable analysis. See picture above if trap line(white line) would be cross below make a first profit on blue line and second profit on green line...okay just try it but carefull if the price never hit white line maybe trend would be kick up
say no word at this time, just chose it ,daily or weekly chart .RSI daily was 33 and weekly was 43. Expecting correction could be occured if you had seen picture above
Saturday, 2 August 2008
How can I do for you on cable pair this week (forex trading tips)???
Okay at this time ,i am so sure that you have mastered and understood about the candlestick pattern .IF you haven't got it yet ,you could be looked for by using search engine machine like google or other .picture above was the pattern chart timeframe 15 minutes it already has happened double bottom and candle bull comfirm and the indicator macd (overdrive trader) waited for the momentum reversal but i dont know how the reversal momentum strengthen up ?

And finally i have make a decision through the picture above that bullish reversal momentum will be up to hundreds pips after see Head and Shoulder pattern and expected the last candle chart will be the point of Neckline HEad and Shoulder pattern so the first and second picture above were the execution time to open buy .
learn more about Head and Shoulder pattern

The head and shoulders pattern is generally regarded as a reversal pattern and it is most often seen in uptrends. It is also most reliable when found in an uptrend as well. Eventually, the market begins to slow down and the forces of supply and demand are generally considered in balance. Sellers come in at the highs (left shoulder) and the downside is probed (beginning neckline.) Buyers soon return to the market and ultimately push through to new highs (head.) However, the new highs are quickly turned back and the downside is tested again (continuing neckline.) Tentative buying re-emerges and the market rallies once more, but fails to take out the previous high. (This last top is considered the right shoulder.) Buying dries up and the market tests the downside yet again. Your trendline for this pattern should be drawn from the beginning neckline to the continuing neckline. (Volume has a greater importance in the head and shoulders pattern in comparison to other patterns. Volume generally follows the price higher on the left shoulder. However, the head is formed on diminished volume indicating the buyers aren't as aggressive as they once were. And on the last rallying attempt-the left shoulder-volume is even lighter than on the head, signaling that the buyers may have exhausted themselves.) New selling comes in and previous buyers get out. The pattern is complete when the market breaks the neckline. (source :